Monday, August 15, 2011

The Genre Directories

A few weeks back, I finally published The Weirding Genre Directories which are just what they sound like: A guide to online content in various genres. There is a focus on tabletop role playing games and comic books, in keeping with the theme of the site, but there is a lot of other stuff you might not expect. I came across a lot of streaming media, including radio, music, and movies, and have made the move (after forever) toward making most every department something of a directory in and of itself, as they were always supposed to be.

Generally speaking, I collect links to incorporate into the text of pages and the general content, but they often go overlooked there. Plus, there are always odds and ends that would be a plus to have on a page or in an area that simply can't be worked into the context of the page. But I didn't want just a page or two of "links" because that is outdated, looks messy, and just isn't my style.

So be sure to check-out the Genre Directories and let me know what you think!

© C Harris Lynn, 2011

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